Gavião Novo


The Gavião Novo is a highly popular restaurant which is located in the 'old town' in a winding and cobbled alley in Funchal. A well-presented and cosy restaurant that caters for its clients' needs with attentive and convivial service. Dining outside is also now an option given to guests allowing you to observe passers-by whilst enjoying your meal. Gavião Novo serves fresh and high quality Regional fish and meat dishes. Fish specialities include grilled scabbard fish, sword fish, sardines, shellfish rice and mixed Paella. In terms of meat dishes you can choose from steaks fillets in delicious mushroom, green pepper or shrimp sauces as well as pork fillets with Roquefort cheese sauce and much more. Gavião Novo is suitable for different kinds of dining ranging from family to business meals be it during daytime or evening. Greatly recommended restaurant in a great location.


4.5 out of 5 Based on 2 reviews
Price range €€ (10-30)

Rua de Santa Maria, 131

9060-291 Santa Maria Maior

Phone number

291 229 338

964 448 787

Availability Open today 11:00 - 23:00

Payment options


Good for: Business, Dating, Family, Late night

Cuisine/Specialities: Flambé, International, Seafood

Facilities: Outdoor seating

Services: Table service, Takes bookings

Parking: Nearby Private Car Park

Opening Hours:
Mon - Sun: 11:00 - 23:00

Venue Details & Map

Gavião Novo

Rua de Santa Maria, 131
Santa Maria Maior
9060-291 Santa Maria Maior
Phone number:
291 229 338
964 448 787

Comments and customer reviews

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Overall Rating 4.5/5
Food / Drinks 4.5/5
Service 4.5/5
Ambiance 4.5/5
Quality / Price 4.5/5
Total Reviews 2

O melhor do Funchal

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  • Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Yes, I would go back!

Bem localizado, a simpatica equipa do Gaviao Novo serve refeicoes memoraveis! A repetir sempre que estou no Funchal!

Food / Drinks: 5 out of 5
Service: 5 out of 5
Ambiance: 5 out of 5
Quality / Price: 5 out of 5

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3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.

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  • Overall Rating: 4 out of 5
  • No, I wouldn't go back!

No conjunto pode ser avaliado como bom. Há que ter cuidado com eventuais "mal entendidos". Pedi misto de peixe para 2 (29,50 €) e foi-me apresentado o tabuleiro de peixe para escolher, tendo optado por dois tipos de peixe. Na conta apareceu 40 € pelo prato de peixe. Colocada a questão foi-me respondido que teria havido mal entendido já que me foi servido peixe do dia, o que não se entende! este mal entendido não foi corrigido e custou-me 10,50€. Por isso, não tenciono voltar ao Gavião Novo.

Food / Drinks: 4 out of 5
Service: 4 out of 5
Ambiance: 4 out of 5
Quality / Price: 4 out of 5

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1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.

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