Sebastião Come Tudo


Sebastião Come Tudo is a restaurant and café located in the above lido area in Funchal. The interior is a combination of Portuguese rustic designs and ornaments but at the same time refined with an informal and warm ambiance and provides a small esplanade with large parasols for outdoor dining. Sebastião Come Tudo specializes in Portuguese cuisine and has created traditional Madeiran meals with a slight modern take on them. Delicacies include beef and tuna skewers as well as scabbard-fish, steaks and lamb. Meats and fish are of high quality as well as the presentation of food. Prices are competitive for the area and there is a decent list of excellent wines to choose from. Service is kind and helpful.

Restaurant / Cafe

Price range €€ (10-30)

Rua da casa branca, Edifício 3 loja 82

9000 - 113 São Martinho

Phone number

291 622 564

Availability Closed until Tuesday at 11:00

Payment options


Good for: Children, Family, Groups, Wine

Cuisine/Specialities: Traditional Madeiran Food

Facilities: Outdoor seating

Services: Table service, Takes bookings

Spoken languages: English

Parking: Street parking

Opening Hours:
Tue - Sun: 11:00 - 23:00
Additional Info:

Located in close proximity to the Dorisol Hotels next to the Whitehouse Pub & Restaurant Grill across the road from the L'Osteria Restaurant.

Venue Details & Map

Sebastião Come Tudo

Rua da casa branca, Edifício 3 loja 82
São Martinho
9000 - 113 São Martinho
Phone number:
291 622 564

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