
Soft Drinks refrigerantes
apple juice sumo de maçã
blackberry juice sumo de amora
juice sumo
milkshake batido
orange juice sumo de laranja
passion fruit juice sumo de maracuja
pineapple juice sumo de ananás
sparkling water água com gás
tomato juice sumo de tomate
tonic water água tónica
water água
Alcoholic Drinks Bebidas Alcoólicas
beer cerveja
cider cidra
cocktail cocktail
dry wine vinho seco
firewater aguardente
gin and tonic gin tónico
liqueur licor
Madeira wine vinho Madeira
martini martini
poncha poncha
port vinho do Porto
red wine vinho tinto
rum rum
scotch whisky
sherry xerez
stout cerveja preta
sweet wine vinho doce
white wine vinho branco
wine vinho
Coffees / Teas Cafés / Chás
black tea chá preto
camomile camomila
cappuccino capuchino
coffee café
green tea chá verde
ground coffee café moido
hot chocolate chocolate quente
iced tea chá gelado
lemon tea chá de limão
mint tea chã de hortelã
tea chá
Other Vocabulary Outro Vocabulário
a bottle of wine uma garrafa de vinho
bitter amargo
black preto
bottle garrafa
bottled engarrafado
can lata
coffee machine máquina de café
cold frio
double duplo
drink (noun) bebida
dry seco
fat free sem gordura
fizzy com gás
flat sem gás
froth espuma
full fat milk leite gordo
half-fat milk leite meio gordo
hot quente
ice gelo
lemonade limonada
measure medida
milk leite
powdered milk leite em pó
single single
skimmed milk leite magro
soy milk leite de soja
stilled natural
straw palhinha
to drink beber
white com leite
with ice com gelo
with lemon com limão
with milk com leite
without ice sem gelo
without milk sem leite


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